Wednesday, September 12, 2007

As predicted

I knew getting into the race would be hard. Just never thought this hard!!

Online registration for IM Wisconsin was suppossed to open at "around" 11AM race local time. Which for NY is around 12PM. I was online checking for an hour before that to see if "about" meant within an hour. Well it was and at exactly 11:08 I first saw the Ironman Wisconsin link. Clicked on it and it said it was full!! What the .... FUCK!!!!!!

It was almost an hour before it was even supposed to officially open and it was already full!!

Anyhow, I had basically given up on signing up yesterday. I was bummed but what can I do. I was back to squar one. Then this morning Adam came up with a suggestion of me getting a community spot ( or actually Race with Purpose getting it for me) and then I could fundraise to cover the cost. I agreed and today we both sent out checks and applications. So here I am with some hope of getting in thanks to Adam and race with Purpose. But I still have "7 to 10" days to find out if I get in. If not I will have to rname this site to "" :)

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