Thursday, February 14, 2008

double workout day

Workout #1 on the plan- swim 45-60 minute speed workout


40 minute speed workout
Had to keep it short because I did this during my lunchtime in White plains.

200 WU ( 2x (50 sw,50 Breast stroke))
100 x 10
200 c/d

Total 1400 Meters

Note using the bigger "Paddle" seemed to make a slight difference. My spits for the first 100 and last 100 were about 1:38 which is a few seconds faster than a few weeks ago.

Workout #2

Run 70 minutes - HR range 120-150, 165 for hills

Ran 72:22 mins
Distance 6.87 mi
Ave HR 145
Max HR 174
Max Pace 7:05 min/mi
Ave 10:15
Calories burned 716

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