Saturday, November 27, 2010

Good week

Well this was a pretty good week for getting back into training.  I have been away from full out tri training for more than a year.  So this week I just made sure to get in 2 bikes on the trainer and a couple of runs in.  Doing this made me realize I have been so completly out of touch from training.  It took me an hour to get the gear I needed for the trainer.  The pain in rump from riding that lasted a week also told me I have grown "soft".  None the less, it felt great.  Thats the funny thing about training, before I resumed I figured I am training for only some sprint tri's or Oly's at best.  By this mornings run I was thinking of the REV3 full distance LOL  I guess once an ironman,....

Anyhow, amongst the other things that this training has brought on is this.  I go to do christmas shopping and end up with MORE workout clothes and only like 2 things for other people.  WTF?  Does Tri training invariably make us selfish?  Or is it that I am just really feeling a pull to get back into the sport?

Cant wait to see what else has changed in the tri world.  Its almost like starting all over, with a little experience under my belt.  Hmmmm maybe should check out the latest GPS tools available....


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