Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Simba Swims!

Well that Simba swims is not really news, she loves the water. But today we had a great training session, she actually swam WITH me. I took her up to White Pond, which is the local Open Water hot spot. And slapped a leash on her, I bought a 9 ft one thinking it would give me room to wrap it around me and still have about 5-6 feet of space. The rules for teh Doggie Du are that the dog needs to be tethered to the human during the swim with no less than a 4 ft leash. The problem with a 4 ft leash is it does not give allot of space to kick without kicking the dog. So I went with a longer leash.

At first she resisted. She enjoys swimming but only when she is chasing a ball or something. There needs to be a reason. But in this case I just had to drag her out. Mind you she had a life vest on, so she was safe if she got tired. Anyhow after about a minute of trying to swim back to shore she just gave up and started to swim right after me. If I turned left, she came along without me having to drag her. It was sweet! There was something pretty awesome seeing her swimming next to me.

Great stuff to end a tough day.


PJ said...

This post makes me want a dog! I wonder if I can leash up my cats and go for a OW swim? I'm not envisioning that would go as well.

Anonymous said...

i have been thrashed and shredded by swimmign dogs. how do you avoid that? I mean, besides swimmign faster than the dog...

Ski Dad said...

The dogs do shred ya. In fact I thought Simba was goingto destroy my wetsuit at first, but then I learned its best to stay at a distance. I swim in front or besides

Ski Dad said...

PJ I tend to agree that the cats would be a little bit hesitant to go for a swim. Talk about getting shredded! There is a reason we only give our sat a bath once a year!

Anonymous said...

YOU went to White Pond? I want to go to White Pond! Great job Simba!