Sunday, March 2, 2008

3 hour BRICK

OK so Saturday morning comes around and Phil calls me saying that he is going to do a self supported tri. Only it has to be indoors due to the snow. He figures only 3000 meters, a couple of hours on the trainer and then a 1 hour run. Wanted to know if I wanted to join him.

Sick Bastard.

Of course I wanted to join him! But I did not have the time to do the whole thing so I would join him on a 2 hour indoor ride and a 30 minute run instead.


So thats what we did, I joined Phil after his 3000 meter swim on the cycling portion of his tri torture session, we watched Shrek 3, and then portions of "Airplane the movie" ("Surely, you don't mean that! Yes I do, and don't call me Surely") for 2 hours and then went for a 30 minute run. It was beautiful. Burned a total of 2200 calories!

1 comment:

Philip LaVoie said...

Thanks for the company bud. Enjoy the run today!