Well I am still waiting for final confirmation about the IM Moo ( Wisconsin) entry. I did get a hopefull sign in that they sent me an email asking me to fill out the registration form and I will get final confirmation within 5 or 6 days. So hopefully that is going in the right direction.
In the meantime to be honest I have been vegging and taking it easy workout wise. Probably not the best thing to do but I do feel a bit burned out. I just have so many things going on at the same time between an indredible workload, and the selling of my condo and buying a house. Along with all other peripheral crap that goes along with life.
I did find out though that there is a Doggie Duathlon being run in conjunction with the NYC tri. Only 20 entrants allowed so I have to be quick about sending in my application.
I will be doing that race with Simba. Seen below in her patriotic American Flag attire:
She is a Border Collie/ Chow mix and she has teh Border Collie energy so she is athletic enough. She also likes to swim so she is a natural! We just need top lengthen her stroke on the swim :)
Anyhow the race is in July of next year so assuming that we get in we have plenty of time to train. She already runs 4 miles with me on many mornings so it should be no problem to build her up to 6 miles. I wonder how you put on Swim caps on a dog?
Good luck with the race. Beautiful dog!
Hey Javier - congrats on the new house etc. Hope all is well -- sounds like you're busy. Let us know how IMOO pans out...I'll get a fund-raising page all ready for you ;-). Talk soon!
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