Well now that my life is settled in one way its time to get started on my next physical challenge. The 2011 NYC Marathon!!
The funny thing is that I have been soooo out of training mode that I am sort of befuddled. Not that I am nervous, after having done an ironman, there are few races of endurance nature that will make me nervous, but its just getting my bearings again. in just two years this is what happens.
Anyhow, it seems I have plenty of time to prepare, so its time to start planning
Monday, July 11, 2011
Marathon Training
Posted by
Ski Dad
9:35 PM
Monday, July 4, 2011
June 7 A new sad phase in life
The day has come that I have been dreading for so long. On June 7 ay 1:48 AM my father passed away.
It was not unexpected, we knew it was coming after 4 months of struggle. Still it seems to have come on us too fast. For years he had been battling Melanoma. having it pop up on his back, several times. each time to have to have it surgically removed. However he recovered each time and was declared "clean" after his surgery. But with Melanoma there is no true "clean" and back in January the doctors first noticed a spot on his lung. They immediately suspected it was Melanoma due to its being in an area directly below the skin where he had his original Melanoma.
Once Melanoma spreads to the organs it is an advanced stage Melanoma and is difficult to treat. In my fathers case it was a incredibly aggressive Cancer. He only made it a few months.
Though we are devastated by his loss, we get comfort in knowing that he is now at rest.
We are still trying to come to terms, and acceptance comes slowly but I know it will come. My family setup a memorial fundraising page with the American Cancer Society. We hope to help raise money that will help in research that would help fight this horrible disease. The page can be found here:
Posted by
Ski Dad
8:29 PM
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Lets fight Cancer!
OK I am taking on a new challenge!
OK guys, Its been a few years but its time to step back into the ring. My dad is recovering from a recent repeat bought of cancer. Knock on wood, he is doing well. But this is his 4th time at it. He survives because of all the good work done by researchers over the years. So I am doing my part. I am doing the NYC triathlon with TNT ( Team in Training) to help raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
I started triathlon in 2006, with my first triathlon being the NYC TRI, and I did it through TNT. Well the battle continues against cancer and it time for me to throw my hat in the ring. I cant really do much for my pops other than support. But I CAN help the people that are doing something about it. I can raise money for more research.
Check it out here is my fund-raising page http://pages.teamintraining.org/nyc/nyctri11/jgomezi4hl
Posted by
Ski Dad
10:03 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2011
First Group session
Well yesterday I finished my first group session for TNT. This year I have joined them as a mentor for their NYC Triathlon. In part I did this to regain my love for the sport. I still dig triathlon but my life has been so complicated this past year that I had no room. But I need to get back in shape, this past year I gained 15 lbs!!!
However going top the gym simply to workout is not for me. I need a goal. So I decided to go back to where I started triathlon. Through TNT training for the NYC triathlon, along with my coworkers in the company team.
I guess its working...I came out of training thinking I need to get a new bike :) Guess I am feeling the tri fever again hehe
Posted by
Ski Dad
7:46 AM
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Back in Chile
Well I have returned to one of my favorite spots to travel on business. Have been here several times over the years. In fact in 08, I posted this on this very blog :
Today is my first day in, having arrived a couple of hours ago. Its a great day so I may go for a run on that same mountain again.
Posted by
Ski Dad
7:40 AM
Monday, February 7, 2011
2011 season starting to shape up
Well after much thought my first set of races have been selected. First I am going back to my tri origins and doing the NYC Triathlon as a mentor with TNT.
Second, i just finished registering for the NYC Marathon, using my guaranteed entry. Finally put last years 9 races to good use.
I will need a couple other races to help shake things out.
Posted by
Ski Dad
4:35 PM